Traditional home elevators require an immense upfront expenditure. Elevators that rely on the old-school lift-and-pulley systems are bulky, heavy, and require quite a bit of remodeling work. If your home wasn’t designed with an elevator in mind, you could find yourself hard pressed for a spot to put a traditional elevator, or facing months of construction just to get everything situated correctly.
But the cost doesn’t end there. Once you have an elevator fully installed, you need to ensure that elevator stays in a safe operational zone by performing regular maintenance. Paying for a trained maintenance technician to take care of your elevator is often one of the most expensive elements of owning an elevator; traditional lifts have a lot of moving parts that require attention. Maintenance is not an option if you want to ensure the safety of yourself, your family, and your guests.
Vacuum elevators, on the other hand, require almost no maintenance. Rather than needing a yearly check-up and constant monitoring, a vacuum elevator needs only one service call every five years or 15,000 lifts. There are also no harmful chemicals to worry about in maintaining a vacuum elevator — the lift requires no lubricants and the only maintenance required is a quick replacement of the main seal. Vacuum home elevators offer the same capabilities as traditional lifts, but with easier installation, safer operation, and a much lower total cost of lifetime ownership.
Vacuum elevators are also easy to install, offering small footprints that fit in almost any home. We’ve even installed our home elevators on boats! All it takes is a few days of construction work (compared to a few months for a traditional lift) and you can have a gorgeous, functional, and safe elevator in your home. Vacuum elevators truly are the way to go when it comes to home elevators.